Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Ugly Truth

This post is a bit late. I haven't felt well today at all, so it will probably be short and sweet.

I didn't sleep well last night because of my sutures hurting. I am sew up from the inside, so it's hard to pin point exactly what's hurting. It feels like something is poking or cutting me every time I move.

I slept off and on until lunch time and woke up with a bad stomachache. I won't go into all of the disgusting details, but I ended up finding out that I was impacted. After three hours of being on the phone with my nurse, Shane going to the pharmacy for supplies, and me crying in pain, the, um, "problem", was finally relieved. I told Shane that he needed to pass on a little information to the M.I. department: next time they are interrogating terrorists, all they have to do is sew up their rectum for about 10 days and they will be BEGGING to tell what they know! Hehe...I am attempting to make light of this situation, but it really was one of the worst predicaments I have ever been in.

Word from the wise:  One dosage of milk of magnesia per day will NOT cut it after this surgery. I took it thinking it was keeping everything regulated due to all of the meds I was on, but there is way too much medicine that has to be taken. I can't stress the importance of taking two doses of some type of laxative or stool softener TWICE per day. You will thank me for it in the long run.

Finally, around 5PM, I was able to go to sleep and get some rest. I woke up at 6:15, and Shane was being so sweet. He knew I had a really bad day, and asked what would make me happy. I took advantage of the situation and sent him to Wendy's for a frosty :)

When Shane unzipped my garment about 30 minutes ago, I was really happy to see that the infection from my belly button seems to be draining less and the swelling is looking good.

I had planned to touch on a couple of other things tonight about how your eating habits and abilities will change after the surgery. However, I'm just plain tired, and that will have to wait until tomrrow :)

Lastly, I would love to give another "shout out" to Dr. Vann and the AMAZING nurses at Savannah Plastic Surgery. Just thinking about how wonderful they have been to me makes me tear up. They have been so compassionate, helpful, and gone beyond the call of duty to help me in any way possible. I just appreciate them so much, and they have really made me appreciate nurses and what they do.

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