Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Belly Button is Leaking. Really.

The past week has been super crazy!

Last Friday night was Shane's birthday get together, and boy did I pay for staying out late the next day. My abdomen got very swollen (more than normal), and I was exhausted. The kids had a state livestock show with 4-H, so we went to that the next day. It was all I could do to sit there for 5 hours. I slept the whole way home. All 3 hours.

On Sunday, I noticed my belly button was looking a bit gross. (I should preface this part by saying that you get a "new" belly button when you get a tummy tuck. They cut around your belly button and then make a new hole and sew it back in once your skin is tight.)Actually, I noticed it on Thursday but just figured if was part of the healing process. By Sunday, though, it was looking A LOT worse. I decided that since I didn't have to be at work on Monday until noon, I'd go see my doctor first thing Monday morning. No such luck, of course! Dr. Vann wouldn't be in until Monday afternoon. I didn't want to miss work, so I thought I'd just stop by urgent care and let them take a look. They automatically flipped out and called my surgeon's office even though I TOLD them he wasn't there. The nurse was though and told them to give me a shot of Rocephrin right away and for me to be there at 2. Period. So, I had to miss work and spent the whole day being poked and prodded.

Good news is that the infection seems to be clearing up.

I almost forgot-I can sleep in my bed again!!! It feels so good to stretch out after only being able to sleep in a recliner for 3 weeks.

Work is making my stomach do swelling tricks. I wake up with minimal swelling and after being at work one hour I am supah puffy. I look like I'm 3 months preggers. Once I'm off and come home and relax for about 45 min., the swelling starts to subside. I think I can just about swell on command now. ;)

I will say that each day is a little better. This surgery was no joke. And I won't lie, there have been days that were so terrible that I wished I hadn't had it done. But then I think about how miserable I was before and I'm glad I did it. I still have a few months to go through the whole healing process. Hopefully, it's a little more smooth than the first 3 weeks have been.


  1. Thank you sharing your tummy tuck experience with us. this will help to others belly tummy tuck

  2. Its Very bold Article. Every one needs to a choose good surgeon for tummy tuck surgery belly tummy tuck

  3. The tummy tuck experience which you gave us really so nice thank you for sharing about Tummy tuck

  4. Great post..Thanks for giving us this beautiful experience about Tummy Tuck Surgery

  5. I really want to commend your truthfulness in sharing your tummy tuck experience with the rest of us. I'm sure a lot of readers who are following your blog are now much better informed about tummy tuck surgery. Can you share more about costs? I think tummy tucks can really be costly.

  6. Really nice and effective treatment so far it is very safe effective and easy. Thanks for sharing your experience.
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  7. Hey there. While often considered a procedure for the rich and famous, tummy tucks (also known as abdominoplasties) are becoming increasingly common, with a whopping 431% increase in the number of procedures performed since 1997.

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