Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Reality of a Tummy Tuck

The truth is, a tummy tuck is NOT a minor surgery. Not by any means at all. Your doctor will typically tell you that after 10 days you can return to work. The sad truth is that at 10 days post-op, it will take everything in you to return to work. I am supposed to go back to work the day after tomorrow, but my doctor informed me today that I would not be going back to work until Monday at the earliest. So, tomorrow, I will be calling my boss to explain the situation and pray that I still have the job.

In all honesty, you need a full 14 days to truly recover enough to go back to work. Until I experienced this surgery for myself, I had no idea how invasive and detailed it was. It has taken a toll on me physically and mentally that I was not prepared for.

If you can't take two full weeks off of work and you don't have someone that can stay with you 24/7 for the first week, DO NOT HAVE THIS PROCEDURE DONE.

When I went to the doctor today, I was very disappointed that he did not remove my drains. I'm still draining a total of about 60cc per day, and he won't remove the drains until I'm between 15cc-20cc per day. My belly button also has greenish drainage, which indicated that it's becoming infected in that area. Shane now has to clean it and apply antibiotic ointment twice per day until I go back for my next appointment. On a positive note, Dr. Vann told me that he can't wait for the swelling to go down so that we can see the actual results. He's estimating that once all of the fluid and swelling is gone, I'll be about a size 8 with NO love handles and a nice flat tummy. :)

After my appointment today, it was evident that my strength is not where it needs to be to return to work. I was exhausted by the time I left the doctor's office, and actually started crying as I was checking out with the nurse as the front desk. My legs were shaking, my back was hurting, and I felt like I was going to collapse. The nurse had to take me to the car in a wheelchair.  I am sharing these details with you, because I hope that I am helping those considering this procedure understand the complexity of the situation and all that it entails. So, if you know someone thinking about getting a tummy tuck, please share the link to my blog with them!


  1. Your experience about tummy tuck is nice. aTummy tuck before & after gives you effective result.

  2. well said. This a reality of Tummy tuck. Every one will get a knowledge from this post about the Reality Chicago tummy tuck

  3. Nice.You share some useful information about the tummy tuck surgery.It may used for many peoples.Chicago tummy tuck

  4. Thank you sharing your tummy tuck experience with us this will help to others chicago tummy tuck

  5. Tummy tuck surgery is an great experience for everyone.Thanks for sharing your experience Chicago abdominoplasty

  6. Tummy Tuck is a good option for reduce a belly fat with out gym workouts Chicago tummy tuck

  7. Tummy tuck surgery is the best option for remove a extra fat in our body.Most of the moms after their pregnancy choose the tummy tuck surgery . Chicago abdominoplasty

  8. Tummy tuck is best for woman who has a extra skin in their belly.Tummy tuck surgery helps to remove skin from abdomen and gives a good shape

  9. Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is getting popularity and acceptance day by day and is being modernized through new techniques and medical treatments,the cost and complications are being lowered

  10. Dr Michael Stephanides, MD is a board certified plastic surgeon in nashville who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He specializes in abdominoplasty nashville, mini tummy tucks, body lifts

  11. A tummy tuck recovery can take more than ten days, since you have to wait for the internal wounds to heal. I haven’t seen any updates on whether you got the extra time off from work, but I hope you did, so that you could recover faster and get right back to your daily routines. Thanks for sharing, Kimberly. Take care!

    Byron Brewer @ Knight and Sanders

  12. A successful tummy tuck can be done best by certified surgeons whose experience doing the procedure is crucial in achieving a good result. To know more about the surgeon, you can check out if he or she has a website and see if he also has a gallery of real results from previous patients. That way you can gauge how good that surgeon is. Best of luck! tummy tuck procedure

  13. Nice Post, Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that remove excess skin and fat from abdomen and tightening the abdominal muscles.
    Tummy Tuck Kuwait City

  14. What is a Brazilian abdominoplasty or Brazilian tummy tuck?Let me know cost of this procedure in India and recovery time also.


  15. Brazilian Tummy Tuck (lipoabdominoplasty) is a procedure that combines the fundamentals of traditional Tummy Tuck and liposuction (liposculpture).

  16. Really nice posting..we have lots of importance tips for Tummy Tuck for this post.Thanks for sharing your experiance.

  17. Thanks for sharing this information from this post. But What will be the total cost of Tummy Tuck ?
