Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Little Explaining to Do

Greetings at 3AM! I can't sleep. I've already text a friend, written two letters to family members to send via snail mail, watched The Notebook and cried like a fool. All is left to do is blog.

Today, someone asked why I titled my blog 'Doing What Makes You Happy...'. Well, I do realize having the tummy tuck procedure was something to help make ME happy, but the purpose of my blog is to inspire others to do what will ultimately make them happy.
Wanna dye your hair purple? Well, if it makes you happy, then go for it.
Wanna let your gypsy soul loose and backpack across a country or continent? Do it.
Want to have a cosmetic procedure done to help your self-esteem and perception?
Then by all means, DO IT!

Not only is this blog to help others understand what to expect if they opt to have a tummy tuck done; it's also here to inspire people to do what will make them happy!

Sometimes we worry so much about making the world around us happy, that we forget that our own happiness is important, too.

Another comment that bothered me was, "Well, look at _____. She had a baby and didn't need a tummy tuck. You could have exercised it off." Well, friend, not everyone is genetically the same. I exercised my behind off, and as I've said before, lost 60 pounds. However, my stomach barely shrunk at all! We are not all the same, and I feel very blessed to have been able to have this procedure performed. When my 6 week recovery period is up, I will be back at it exercising. My final goal is to have my arms and legs toned by summer to match my new stomach. And ya know what, I'm gonna do it! :-)

It's late, and I'm taking my tired behind to bed now...

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