Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Little Bit of Kindness

Today has been a good day! My left drain has almost completely stopped, and the right drain is slowing down a little too! I feel very confident that they will come out on Monday or Wednesday.

The only complaint I have today is this weird burning sensation on my right side. It literally feels like hot coals have been poured into my pants. It's kind of on the side where I had lipo. I'm wondering if this is a normal side effect. It only lasts for about 30 seconds at a time. I suppose I'll ask the doctor about it tomorrow.

I'm trying to take it easy today, so the kids and I are doing activities that require little activity on my part. I want to have as much energy as possible for going back to work tomorrow. Currently, they are having a nerf gun war with Shane, and I'm the spy for them LOL. Since its raining, we offered to take them to the movies today, but they said they would rather play at home. Surprising? Yes. Disappointment? No. That just saved me like 30 bucks! It makes me feel good knowing they are happy and content just playing at home.

I'm about to get my clothes ready for work tomorrow. I hate to tell 'em, but I will be wearing my black Under Armour pants to work tomorrow. That's all I can fit in comfortably until the drains come out! ;)

I received a message today from someone I went to school with. She told me how much my blog has inspired her and how much she admires me. I won't go into detail, but her words meant so very much to me and they even made me cry. All I have ever wanted was to make a difference to someone. To inspire them, motivate them, teach them, support them, or just let them know they are loved. We only get one life, and even though I have made my fair share of bad decisions and mistakes, I feel like I have finally grown up. All I want when my time here on earth is over is to be remembered as that person that loved everyone and exhibited the true meaning of kindness and love. It makes my heart happy to know that I have been able to use this experience not only to inform others but inspire them!

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