Friday, January 11, 2013

Party Too Hard and Pay for It

Today was my precious hubs 35th birthday, and I wanted it to be absolutely amazing. He's spent HALF of the last 10 years in either Iraq or Afghanistan on his birthday, or away from home at some type of training. As a matter of a fact, we've never celebrated his birthday on his actual birthday before. This was the first time EVER!!!

I planned a surprise party for him at a local Mexican restaurant that has an excellent, fun atmosphere. We had about a dozen or so people show up to celebrate with us. We arrived at the restaurant at 7PM. I had two margaritas and felt fine. At around 9 or 9:30 we headed over to the Irish pub to continue our fun. I was the DD, so I only had one more beer there and then cut it off. By 11, I was dying. I had be up since 7AM and going full force all day taking care of various things. I think being up and moving so much (even though I felt great) finally caught up with my still healing body. I started swelling and hurting around 1030 or 11. I finally had to ask Shane to wrap it up around 1130. I couldn't tolerate it anymore. I had to come home and put up my feet and take something for the pain.

I'm hoping that I didn't push myself too much and set myself back or have to pay for it tomorrow. Even if I am dragging a little tomorrow, it will be worth it. I wanted this to be his best birthday ever. He so deserves it, and I am so thankful for him!

And a big, BIG thanks to our great friends who came out to celebrate. They're all sweethearts! Thanks guys! You're the best!


  1. I plan on getting a tummy tuck in the near future because of extra skin i developed from being pregnant with my son but I'd like to hear some stories of anyone who's had a tummy tuck done. Give me details of how the whole procedure/experience went. How was the outcome of it? What was the consultation like? Any advice on tummy tuck surgeon I could go to? Thanks.

  2. Thanks for sharing, not everyone has the courage to talk about it. I underwent my tummy tuck few months ago in Prague. It was little bit hassle because i had to travel but i did good. Found good clinic and surgeon and i am absolutely pleased with my new tummy look. Healing process was longer, but however i new it was gonna be longer i still could not wait when the bruises and swelling go so i could wear my favorite cloths. Now it looks quite good, i am using some creams i got at Forme clinic and it seems like they work, the scar is much lighter.

  3. I read that tummy tuck can improve posture. Is this accurate? Those seeking abdominoplasty typically have some level of muscle laxity that can be corrected through their surgical procedure. Once weak abdominal muscles are tightened, many people often notice a significant improvement in their posture due to the added spinal support that stronger muscles can provide.

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