Thursday, December 27, 2012

The First Step

After giving birth to my precious children, I was a whopping 225 lbs. Pregnancy took a toll on my body, and the weight packed on with a not so flattering array of stretch marks from just below my breasts all the way down to my inner thighs and "love handles". My youngest child was born in March of 2008. That summer, I went on a low-carb diet and lost 35 lbs. As soon as I started incorporating grains and carbs back into my diet, the weight came back quickly. Within 2 months, I had gained back a total of 45 lbs...10 more than what I originally lost.  At that point I gave up. Over the next two years, the weight slowly crept up until I was at 245 lbs. Once I started having trouble buttoning my size 18 pants, I knew I had to do something. I started out walking every other day and developed a diet plan that was suitable for ME. I had a protien shake for breakfast, a protien shake for lunch, and pretty much whatever I wanted to dinner--I just kept my portions small. By the summer of 2011, I was down to 180 and in a size 10/12. I was very proud of myself, but there was one lingering problem--my stomach. It was very loose, flabby, and ridden with stretchmarks. I refused to wear anything form fitting without Spanx underneath. No matter how much I dieted or exercised, my "pooch" wouldn't go away. My husband knew that I had a very bad complex about my stomach. I was hard on myself and often compared myself to other women that I thought had a nicer figured than me. In October of 2012, we decided that a tummy tuck was the right choice. In November, we scheduled a consulation with Dr. Vann at Savannah Plastic Surgery. After taking a look at my stomach, he was confident that I had lost enough weight to acheive the results I wanted from the Abdominoplasty. At the end of the consulation we scheduled my surgery for December 26, 2012. This was the first step to changing my outlook on life!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you are doing what makes you happy!! One thing is certain, that some of our bodies don't snap back after having kids...mine being one! LOL! So you do whatever you need to so that you can feel better. I hope that you gain everything you are expecting out of this experience and I'll be following your blog!! I've heard of lots of women getting boob jobs, but never abdominoplasty. So it will be an interesting journey for us to follow with you. Thanks for sharing! Feel better soon! Your Boo, Donna LOL!
