Friday, December 28, 2012

Is It Worth It?

When getting ready to leave the surgical ward yesterday, my nurses told me that I would probably ask myself, "What have I done?" Or "Was it really worth it?" This morning, I asked myself both of those questions. The pain was excruciating. As I walked, I sobbed and clung onto Shane's shirt. I just kept telling myself that I just had to get past this worst part. The third day is supposed to be the worst, and if I could make it over this hump, the rest of the healing process would be easier.
After my morning "exercise", Shane gave me a sponge bath. I can't shower until Jan. 2 after I see Dr. Vann for a checkup.
When he took off my compression socks, my toes were super swollen. They looked like Vienna sausages. I was also running a low grade fever. Shane called my doctor and was told all of these things are normal.
Shane also gave me my first blood thinning shot today. I must say that he did great! I didn't even feel it!
Tomorrow, I get to unzip my compression panel for just a quick second. Hopefully, I can snap a quick picture of what I look like 4 days post-op. :-)
My last thought for today is about my sweet little Lucy. She has been by my side since I came home from the hospital. Her sweet little self has most definitely helped keep my spirits high!

1 comment:

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