Friday, December 28, 2012

Day Three: Hell

The nurses told me that day three would be the worst, and so far, they're correct. I have been awake most of the night in pain. Most of my pain seems to be coming from my sides where to liposuction was performed. I can also feel my incision stinging. Each time that I have gotten up to do my little walk every couple of hours, it has left me in tears and needing pain medication. At this point, even with the pain medication, I can't seem to get comfortable. Up until this morning, I hadn't experienced any nausea. However, my pain reached a new peak this morning which caused the onset of nausea. Luckily, my doctor gave me a prescription for nausea meds, and so far they seem to be helping.

I have to give my husband lots of credit. He has been so wonderful helping me through this process. He has been sleeping on the couch while I sleep in the recliner. Every two hours, he gets up to clean my drains, give me my medicine, and help me use the restroom. Not once has he complained about lack of sleep. He even brought me beautiful freshcut flowers and chocolates to help me feel better. A strong support system is imperative when undergoing any type of surgery--especially a tummy tuck.
So far, this is the best advice I can offer if you decide to choose this procedure:
Have someone with you at all times. It will require help getting up and down.
Get up and walk every two hours. The longer you stay stationary, the stiffer you will become. This will cause even more pain once you do get up to move around.
Sleep in a recliner. Never lie flat on your back. It will be almost impossible to get up if you do.
Take your meds on time, every time, no matter how good you feel. If you skip them, the pain WILL come back with a vengence.
Eat light. All I've been able to stomach the last three days is broth-based soups and crackers. Anything heavier will cause your stomach to feel uncomfortable.
Make sure to keep your drains clean. This allows the fluid to drain more efficiently, which helps with the healing process.
My husband is preparing to give me my first blood-thinning shot as I type. Fingers crossed that he knows what he's doing and that he paid attention yesterday when the nurses showed him how to do this! Check back often for more updates about the recovery process. As always, comments and questions are welcome!


  1. Hoping that you are recovering well! SO proud of you for doing what is going to make YOU happy! Looking forward to more updates!

  2. Have as good of a "Day 3" as you can....this day won't last forever! Then you'll be on the way to feeling better! Very happy that you have Shane there to help you through the whole thing. With all that has to be done, I can't imagine anyone doing this on their own!

  3. I'm so proud of you and love reading the updates I have been considering this for a while oh and I can go give you the shots if need be girly I dont mind!!! Here's hoping for a better tomorrow if you need me let me know!!!

  4. Great blog! thanks for sharing. Abdominoplasty, more commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is a very common cosmetic surgery procedure whereby excess skin and fat from around the abdominal area is removed to give the appearance of tight skin and a firm stomach.

    Tummy Tuck in Manila
