Sunday, March 3, 2013

Long Time No Blog

It's been a while, I know. I got very frustrated with my surgery, recurrent infections, and just not feeling like myself. I abandoned my blog and pouted for a little while.
I'm happy to say now that I am FINALLY past the plateau and I feel great!
For so long it felt like my recovery had plateaued off, and I was no longer progressing. The swelling was ever-present, and I kept getting minor infections. After a few rounds of different antibiotics, I finally got the infections subdued. I still have some drainage from my belly button, but the doctor said I can expect that for a little while longer. I still have swelling as well, but it's not nearly as noticable as it was.
I'm still not in a size 8, but I'm happy with the way that I look stomach-wise. It's firm, flat, and I am happy with the results. The scar looks bad right now, but I know within a couple of years it will be almost completely gone. I've had other surgeries (medically required) and the scars from those are practically gone four years later.
I've finally been released to start back exercising! I am super happy about this. Exercising and pushing myself was how I lost 60 lbs. in the first place. My goal now is to lose about 15 additional pounds and tone up. I feel very confident that I can be perfectly happy with my appearance within 6 months.
My goal is to post my 12 week post-op before and after pictures for you guys. I got very down one day, so my husband called and requested my post-op pics from the surgeon. After looking at what I looked like before my surgery, I quickly got over my pity party and was super happy with the results. I think you guys will equally agree that the transformation has been amazing! Thos pics will be up within the next couple of weeks.